JB Food Analysis, Short call @ 410/415
Hi all,
I know its abit "Horse Back Cannon" when i say i called for a short when JB Food reaches 410/415. That was purely due to the charts that i see that time.
Over the past few weeks, I have been reading VSA alot...alot alot alot alot alot...and I thought this new IPO counter will be best to analyse using VSA. WHY? Because of the omnipresence of the 'Chng Kay' aka Bigboys.
So..i actually dont need you all to believe you all my call actually, cause i just want to share about my analysis..it is my first analysis from a VSA perspective. It is different than normal TA perspective but they are refreshing and they are where the Bigboys put their smart money @.
So lets start with the fundamental analysis of JB Food.....None, why do we need it anyway =) We are just riding on the IPO sentiments. There is no need of FA.
I know its abit "Horse Back Cannon" when i say i called for a short when JB Food reaches 410/415. That was purely due to the charts that i see that time.
Over the past few weeks, I have been reading VSA alot...alot alot alot alot alot...and I thought this new IPO counter will be best to analyse using VSA. WHY? Because of the omnipresence of the 'Chng Kay' aka Bigboys.
So..i actually dont need you all to believe you all my call actually, cause i just want to share about my analysis..it is my first analysis from a VSA perspective. It is different than normal TA perspective but they are refreshing and they are where the Bigboys put their smart money @.
So lets start with the fundamental analysis of JB Food.....None, why do we need it anyway =) We are just riding on the IPO sentiments. There is no need of FA.

1)The 3rd Green candle sticks signals very heavy selling pressure from the BBs. Day high occured there and it is very important to notice of the Dayhigh, especially in this newly ipoed counter. This is because, this will determine whether there is enough public strength/chng kay strength to see if they want to push up and beat the day high price.
2)The 2 Candle sticks attempts to retraces and challenges close to the day high. While the first candle sticks seems that it might be possible afterall, but the 2nd candle sticks reaffirms that the selling pressure is too high. Usually, i will constitute at least 80% or more of the selling pressure from the Chng Kay. The 2 candle sticks are profit taking candle sticks.
3) The 3 candlesticks that are adjacent to each other is similar to what we see in 2*. Do take note that if you add the volume of 2 and 3 together..the volume is immensely a lot. And looking from TA, we always believe what? High volume, we will expect ....yes..higher price..But this 2 and 3 affirms profit taking.
Well, not many dare to naked short in the market. But this counter seems like its over. Dead cat bounce probably in the next few days. They have sucessfully trapped the retail dealers..and expect heavy selling to come Thursday onwards.
Do put in your shortlist for potential short.
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