A forwarded sent to my clts Market has not been responding very well for the past few weeks. I am more negative biased in the market at the moment due to Euro woes. However, YONGNAM has caught my attention recently. First of all, some background information about YongNam : Yongnam Holdings Limited is a leading Singapore based multi-discipline engineering and construction services provider with more than 30 years experience. Its key business areas include that of structural steelworks (engineering coordination, detailing, full service fabrication and erection of steel structures), specialist civil engineering and mechanical engineering. Yongnam currently has regional operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong. Yongnam past projects will also include MBS'sSkypark, ArtScience Museum at the Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort. Yongnam was awarded numerous contracts for developing MRT lines as well. Below is one of them ...